Evening light...

...in the late afternoon.

We popped up to Logie this afternoon with some flowers for Mum & Dad and Uncle Sandy and Aunty Rose, Dad's brother and sister-in-law. It was just coming up for 4pm and the light changed quite quickly while we were cutting the flower stems and arranging the flowers.

I've alway's liked the situation of Logie Cemetery directly under the Ochils with a view of the Wallace Monument too. Logie was my Dad's Parish Church growing up in Causewayhead as a boy.

Before the trip to Logie I had put on The Sound of Music...my Mum's all time favourite. The Barmy Army flitted in and out of the room while it was on staying and watching for a bit. Apart from the Rooster who was just returned from Scout Camp. He was either enjoying it or too exhausted to move:-)

Grateful for the time spent with family thinking and remembering other times with family no longer with us in body but very much in our hearts.

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