Mad St No More

So, for 10 years, Flat 4 have been leaking into Flat 2 and behaving completely Absent Landlord-core. Using agents, not responding to communications, the flat being used as council emergency housing for victims of domestic abuse, stair left in shambles, heartbreaking situations of kids having to go to a neighbour below me and ask for some milk as their parents haven't bought any food for days, one time I even ended up in court due to witnessing a case of domestic violence (man was blamed but it was actually the woman. Classic UK justice.), Airbnb tenants making a total mess of the stair trailing oil up and down it then having to argu with the complete cheeky, clueless and utterly patronising fud that runs Airbnb Buddy (who said he's have it cleaned then 'inspect it himself', the former happening, the latter? Well, I'm still waiting to hear exactly what his inspection conclusions were because the oil slick is still 100% there, it's been at least a couple of months since he sent us his word he'd do this, and he's gone a bit quiet for some reason), the list goes on and on and on. 

Long story short; Flat 4 have become more and more problematic and argumentative in the past year, culminating in getting a complete cowboy to do roof work which turned out to not actually have really been done and also wasn't required at all, whilst leaving tiles dangerously lying around and making a mess of the stair again. Cue arguments of vested interests (of our roofer, who's done loads of great work for us, quickly, well & comparatively cheaply). 

OK, maybe not too short. It's hard to abbreviate this as my blood pressure is rising as I type...

So, Flat 2 gives in, he's had enough, fighting with this woman, he sells up and moves out. Then after all the latest rood debacle, I come home last night and see a new For Sale sign. And, it's not Flat 2. 

I think I should be happy, it's what I've wanted, what we've all wanted for a long time. but, it all leaves a bad taste in the mouth. And, who knows, we might end up with some other Slumlord or worse, some UKIPpers or wait, no, Brexiteers?!...

Please. God. No.

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