I was saddened to hear of the death of another broadcasting hero from my youth, Sir Jimmy Young. I didn't realise that he had a successful career as a singer in the 50's and 60's before moving into broadcasting (initially on radio 1).
The theme music to his radio 2 programme (Town Talk by Ken Woodman) brings so many childhood memories flooding back. I used to love the banter between Jimmy and Terry Wogan, when they handed over from one show to the next, the voice of Raymondo 'What's the recipe today, Jim?' and regular guests Tony Diangelo and The Legal Eagle.
On my way home from work at lunchtime today, I listened to Jeremy Vine discussing listeners memories of the 'JY Prog'. Many were mums in the 1970's, at home with small children, listening to JY as they went about their chores, just like my mum. On a Monday, mum would invariably boil up the chicken carcass from Sunday lunch in order to make soup. The smell of the soup, combined with the accompanying radio programme, caused me for ever after to associate it with Jimmy Young and to this day it is referred to in our family as 'Jimmy Young Soup'.
Thanks for the memories, Jimmy, and bye for now.

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