Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Mushroom and Haloumi. Home made, as cooked by Top Gun. Spectacularly nice, he doesn't do it often but when he does it's worth waiting for. A real treat after a busy day at work.

The Mo got a lot of support today; I have revised my target upwards from £200 to £500.


The Guardian emailed me today to ask why I had cancelled my digital subscription. So I wrote back to them.

I have decided not to read newspapers any more. I am withdrawing selfishly into a small world of denial and avoiding things that make me angry or could potentially damage my mental health. We are undoubtedly living in a world of malice and as a species teetering on the brink of chaos; our fall into extinction is only a matter of time. In light of this I have decided to cancel my Guardian digital pack subscription. I am going to devote what time we have left to the study of art, aesthetics and cat welfare. I hope that others will follow my lead. I am calling it The Apocalypse Rococo approach to life. Also I need to save money to pay vet bills. £11.99 a month is a lot when you have four cats to welfare.

I do hope things improve and if we enter the broad sunlit uplands of a new world based on fairness and love I will renew my subscription.

Best wishes ....

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