By Way Of Contrast

After yesterday's breezy blue skies and golden foliage, ( today was a grey, still, bone-chilling day. A bit of vintage / mono treatment at the 14th green seemed to fit the mood. However, as far as the golf went, after an unpromising start, I managed to play better than I have for ages: the lesson seems to be working.

To prove that being accident prone runs in the family, Chris managed to turn his ankle playing 5-a-side football last night. By lunchtime it had swollen up and he couldn't put any weight on it, so we spent the afternoon at the minor injuries unit at the local hospital. An X-ray showed that nothing was broken so it's just a matter of RICE.

In recent years he's managed to dislocate his kneecap, tear a calf muscle and now this; perhaps it's time he gave football up!

Before you ask, he wasn't wearing Kevin Dawson's boots from Saturday's blip :)

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