Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Autumn Angels

Another quiet day today. After the school drop off we have 45 minutes to kill before music so today we went to the park. We had fun playing in the leaves and playing hide and seek behind the trees. A had a go at some Autumn Angles but didn't get quite get the gist of it. Will have to try again with some snow angels if we are lucky enough to get some this year. It's been freezing today and has felt very wintery so fingers crossed.

Music was good fun and A enjoyed the scrunchie train.

When we got home this evening P asked me to find the duplo. I found it in one of the many boxes in the garage. She was so excited and spent ages playing with it all, more than she ever has before. She built a house, a rocket and a car. I'm loving her new found Lego creativity.

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