Carolina's journal

By Carolina

Purple for Tiny Tuesday

Not sure what the number is since I haven't done any for quite awhile,  but thought this flower turned out so well I would label it for TT!

  I was sitting outside enjoying the warm weather and waiting for a bee to come by, but the bee only seemed to want to hang out on the lower flowers.  So,  I went on with out him!   

     I am blessed so much by each of you!   Thank you for he wonderful comments , stars and hearts for my 4th Birthday Blip!   I am amazed at how much I have grown in photography in that 4 years!    I have learned a lot from you guys and tried to apply what I could. 
      I am very glad that Blipfoto has been stabilized and I look forward to a long relationship with all of you!       All those hearts have pushed my bridge to the 2nd page!  so cool!

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