We Come In Peace...

This is the Greenpeace ship Esperanza sailing up the River Forth, approaching Leith Docks a little before midday. It intended to dock in Leith but, according to Forth Ports, there is no available berth.

This photograph was taken from the Ocean Terminal car park, overlooking the Deep Harbour, where the largest cruise ships berth and which was obviously vacant at the time and remains so. We watched as Esperanza was approached by the nearby Granton Harbour pilot but it remains moored out in the estuary.

According to Greenpeace, the Esperanza came in support of a proposal to re-introduce deposits on drinks containers in an attempt to reduce the amount of plastic pollutants at sea, surely a worthwhile cause and which begs the question: What is the real reason Forth Ports denied access?

Adding to the news that Donald Trump has won the vote to become the next President of the USA, one cannot help but wonder if the world has gone mad.

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