Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


For the last few weeks, my life has felt anything but normal.  Today didn't move me any closer to normal.  I may eventually comment on the election results, or maybe I won't.  Do I really have anything to add?  Probably not.  

After lying in bed for a while this morning, listening to the sound of rain falling lightly on the roof, I decided that I wasn't going to change or solve anything that way.  So, after a little time reading the news, and breakfast with hubs, I ventured out in the garden for a while.  Fortunately, we've not yet taken down the gazebo cover on our deck, so I was (more or less) protected from the rain.  After a time, the birds ignored me and went about the serious business of living.  And, as usual, the soft chirps and chatters and the gentle sound of wings made me feel peaceful.

I chose this image for no reason other than that it made me feel calm.  Shot at a horribly high ISO and a horribly low shutter speed - but it's just fine for today.  Two other images posted on Flickr, starting HERE

I wish the world, and especially the USA, peace and love and grace.


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