Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Message from the childminder

Hi Jim and Nikki, I hope you are all having a nice weekend. Even though after every time the little lady is in my care we have a daily handover of how she has been and I let you know what activities we have done for that day, whats she has ate, nap times etc. I would just like to let you know a bit more of what I have observed over the last 6 months caring for her.

It has been really lovely using our private facebook page as a way of looking back and sharing what fun we have had and what Nelly has achieved during her time with us.

Nelly takes part in everything, there is nothing she won't try. She has always been very active at the park, groups and play in my house. I have really noticed how independent she is becoming. For example wanting to walk along a low wall at Gorgie Farm unaided but knowing to hold on to the fence to help herself, and wanting to unbutton her coat and take off her own shoes. But equally if she needs help she able to do this, for example last Tuesday she said 'Sheryl help please' while trying to put her socks on! 

Nelly has always loved her packet of raisins when first arriving in the morning, and she has progressed from pointing at the cupboard so I know what she wants, to saying 'raisins Sheryl please', she also loves taking through a packet for Esme and Lea.

Over the last few months the main things I wanted to achieve is for Nelly to feel Safe and welcome in my home while being active in the local community. My girls love spending time with her and it has been a pleasure seeing how well they interact with each other, through play, learning to share and learning how to look after them selves and each other.

In relation to your needs that you wanted to be met for her (thank you for taking the time to fill out the forms), I feel that through playing with my girls and going to play groups, Nelly has shown how sociable she is with other children and when asked she will remember who she has played with that day. She is a very caring little girl and is happy to share but also lets other children know she isn't happy, for example if another child tries to take a toy of her, she will not let them away with it. 

She is happy to let me know if she would like to do something I have suggested and will say yes or no depending if she wants to do it or not. For example would you like to draw her, Lea is drawing, she will happily say no and continue what she is doing or say yes. I love hearing Nelly read us stories, and she does this regularly. She really enjoyed the couple of visits we had to the Library (sorry I"m not sure what happened to these photos, I'll try and look them out). We also enjoy reading books together at home and at the group. It is so impressive to see how she already knows most of the letters.

Even though I don't have pets, when we were at Gorgie Farm she was very curious of the animals and enjoyed looking at them, she was also very considerate of the little Cockrill who kept following us.

As I said before she happily participates in everything and as you mentioned potty training we have been practicing this in my home too. She has yet done anything in the potty but uses it at nappy changing time, she also uses the toilet aid that I have, and likes to stand on the step afterwards to wash her hands.

She certainly knows how to enjoy herself, and she is a pleasure to look after.
I look forward to seeing her on a Tuesday, and even though we now only see her one day a week, she is still very settled when with us and continues to play well with my girls and other children at the Tuesday group we often go to. 

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