Another day - a different take

It was a grey dreich day, reflecting the mood of many. I sense that recent years' experience with referenda, elections, events and unexpected results has built in a bit of resilience in a s, whatever our personal opinions. Life does go on but often not in the way anticipated or hoped for.

For many involved in defending our countries - far too many - life did not go on. Or did but with physical and mental complications.

Today I was down in Leith at the Scottish Government attending a meeting looking at developing capacity and improvement in the youth justice system. A very interesting presentation on work around a sense of place and how you assess the impact that of activities on that place and the people within it and whether you are achieving desired outcomes.

On the way back to the office I had to change buses alongside the Garden of Remebrance where, following yesterday's blip, I saw a differerent way of doing things. This is the Tartan Heart tree where people can write personal messages of remembrance. I see from a blip last year that it featured then but I obviously missed it.

A different take indeed.

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