Braced for Shakes
There was a positive 2.5 hour meeting at my house today, investigating 80+ items/defects yet to be attended to. Some were tiny, some more important. An EQC loss adjuster was present, who got on board with every detail very quickly and a consensus was negotiated on nearly everything. An EQR paint & varnishing expert is to come to assess the varnishing, plus unsightly puttying. I'm pleased with the way it all went.
The image is of a stainless steel bolt that was inserted in emergency bracing done under the house decking, earlyish in 2011. An effective structure (another was built right under the house, a pole house) it kept the house more stable during ensuing quakes.
I was grateful that this EQC man turned up, as he was involved right at the very beginning of the repairs, and was moved on in January 2014. He was as helpful today as he was back then.
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