'it's so simple...

..there is nothing to go wrong' says the sticker on the rear window  of this mindbogglingly, Mondrianly, magnificent 2CV...be still my beating heart!

The name 2CV is from the French: "deux chevaux" i.e. "deux chevaux-vapeur" (lit. "two steam horses", "two tax horsepower") but there is nothing 'steaming'  about this beauty as she is not only striking she is also electric!... in fact the only electric 2CV in Aus.
Ad, her extremely proud owner, plugs her in at home (extra) and as he said' She costs me nothing as all the power at home is solar powered'...a little ray of sunshine!

And the sticker very appropriate perhaps for the outcome of Super Tuesday (on Wednesday as it was for us here in Aus).
Blimey what a year it has been for elections and referendum.

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