
Well, that was a bit of a shocker. Having listened to Emily Maitlis assure the nation that the mountain Trump had to climb was way too much, I hit the sack at 2am. To be wakened at 6am to find him on the (metaphor alert) final approach to the summit. Blimey.
Looking back, I guess I just didn’t fully realise how toxic Ms Clinton was to so many Americans. Once again, that man Thomas Frank summed it up, without being wise after the event: “the woman we were constantly assured was the best-qualified candidate of all time has lost to the least qualified candidate of all time…… But she was exactly the wrong candidate for this angry, populist moment. An insider when the country was screaming for an outsider. A technocrat who offered fine-tuning when the country wanted to take a sledgehammer to the machine.”
So, later, much to do. Shopping! Bread flour and yeast. And yes, A breadmaker! It needed done. And I also sneaked out to sneak in a cute new pressure washer. And later still, another sneak out to meet the chums for a chew over the US Presidential election, and the upcoming footy home international. And also the sighting of a white sparrow by MrFM. Jees, that’s a bit like retired blokes. It’ll be making bread next.

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