On An Upward Curve, London

I was feeling exactly the opposite today - still can't take in TrollAnd Dump (as I like to call him) being voted in. How? Why? What have they done?!?
His acceptance speech was in such stark contrast to his "trash" talk throughout the campaign it was almost as if they were expressed by two different people altogether. Strangely, the insinuation of  a corrupt fix and "jail her" weren't mentioned at all!
The problem is the way he won will only encourage other far right party leaders, like Marine Le Pen in France, to do exactly the same. Twist the facts, tell total untruths, have a hideous attitude to women, single out minorities, attack the media, portray every experienced, mainstream centrist politician as a liar and a cheat - you're sure to win. Down that path lies a very dark future indeed. Just look at Putin and Erdogan.

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