and through the wire...

By hesscat

Get arf my window

When I woke up this morning.... sorry, I am not singing this... I could see the silhouette of a pussy cat sitting at the window behind the curtains, cleaning itself. Thinking it was Miss Molly, I smiled, but when I got up I could see it was Miss Nip, from next door.

I opened the curtains and tapped on it, Nip gave me one of those wot do u wantstares. The sun was shining, it looked a nice place to hang out.

I went off to do things and came back a few minutes later to see Molly walking along towards Nip who was all unawares. When she got there, 1 second before this blip, she hissed and attacked the window, and Nip scarpered. Molly calmed down a bit then trotted off.

What I didn't know until after was that Mrs C had seen her looking out of her cat flap, not wanting to go out because Nip was there. So she trotted off to the bedroom knowing exactly where to find her, to get her moved. Once gone, she then went outside. Well I was impressed!

Shortly after this, Molly asked if we could build a wall and the neighbours would pay for it... she changed her mind when I asked where she'd go for number 2s.

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