TaTs - dawg & stuff

By tinksandtonks


The entrance to Walsall Arboretum has been dressed for this weekend
a lot of work has gone into this and close up it is stunning

The extra is Kassidy modelling similar knitted poppies made by women at work - they put all the money into the official collection tin and whatever your view a substantial extra donation has got to be a good thing

(she is currently wearing the purple one on her collar to remember animals that died serving)

I am way behind - I got back from Spain feeling a little unwell but held it together until Wednesday with extra pain killers
Yesterday was Daisy's funeral which went well but a couple of hours later I had to go for nerve conductance tests the other side of Birmingham (M6 - main commuting time - both ways - not fun).
My left leg has significant sensory neuropathy and my right leg is catching it up
What is more worrying is that both elbows are affected - this means it is a systemic issue rather than one caused by an injury
So I had blood tests today to see if anything is showing up....then back to the consultant

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