My Restless Lens

By terri365

11 Nov 2016 - Tossachs Church and Ben Venue

Another lovely morning with sunshine and a hoar frost but when I left to go for a drive everything turned grey...  Typical!  And it was the start of one of those days...

First, I remembered I had asked the insurance company to send me my schedule because I couldn't find it and I had to take a copy to the Job Centre, but they had emailed someone else's policy so I had to phone them to get them to send the correct one through.  And of course the printer wouldn't work!!!

Then I went to get fuel.  I always use the pay at pump thing but for some reason it stopped working while my card was in it so I got the woman to come out and help me.  When she turned to go back in she tripped over and landed flat on her face - what a mess she was in!  I helped her up and into the garage where her colleagues took over.  Poor woman!

Then while I was out, I got a puncture in one of my new tyres!!!!  Could't get a signal where I was so had to walk back to where I could get a signal and stay there until Green Flag came.  I did try and change the tyre myself but couldn't get one of the nuts to loosen.

I was filthy and just made it back by the skin of my teeth to go and sign on...

Dale is home for the weekend to brighten up the house!

Oh and back blipping yet again!!!

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