On my way - first class!

So I left Doncaster for my final visit to Hong Kong this afternoon. Whilst in the past I have travelled business class because my university paid it for me I am travelling courtesy of all the air miles I have saved over the years so I thought I would do it in style, first class style.

So arrived at Heathrow, fast tracked through and now am in a restaurant in the first class lounge. Having a three course meal which turns out to be small but beatiful prepared. Good job as I have a meal on board in about 5 hours time. The blip was my main course which was Dover sole with a stuffed brown shrimp mousse. It tasted as good as it looks. I am not used to this but it is pretty cool.

So enjoy your Friday evening whilst I fly over to Hong Kong. I have many meals planned with friends and colleagues so I hope my stomach is up to it. Be great to be back for one last time.

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