Flower Friday: The little Bud

The bud is starting to open but unfortunately it has got some little creatures living on it. I keep removing them but haven't got rid of them all.
Many thanks for all your lovely comments and stars for my recent blips.
Yesterday was very busy as I had to go to the opticians for yet another eye test. I was there an hour and a half, the optician was brilliant and thorough. My problem isn't my glasses nor my prescription but my left eye has a macular hole!!!! Everything is very distorted in that eye it is a good job I don't photograph with my left eye! She wrote a letter for the doctor and so I had an appointment today and have been referred to the eye clinic. It's not life threatening and can be treated may need an operation but I've decided not until after my holiday!!!!!
I went to camera club and it was interesting. My photos got reasonable comments but they are very different to the ones that were commended or in the top 3. I seem to take very different photos to competition photos but I won't give up and will put some in again in the next competition as I'm told all judges are different.
Had a lovely few hours in Manchester today with Kath, we walked around the C..... Markets which seemed to be all food and mulled wine.
Having a lovely quiet day tomorrow hopefully I can get out in the garden to remove the frosted nasturtiums and put bark on the bare patches to deter the cats.

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