
This was Basil's lunchtime constitutional around the garden. This particular area of the garden is an interesting, and slightly concerning, patch to walk over as it's above the mole tunnels and is somewhat spongy. I'm sure one of us is going to fall through sooner or later.

Last night I was woken by a blood-curdling scream coming from myself, shortly after a very vivid dream in which there was a man standing over the bed. After I woke and began scanning the room for said intruder, Son1 (who had heard the scream) called out, "What was that??". I blearily reassured him that it was okay and when my heart stopped racing some ten minutes later I went back to sleep. Son1 told me today that after I let out the scream he heard me say, ""Who are you?". Son2 meanwhile heard it all and kept quiet in case he was in mortal danger. My guess is I was having a nightmare about Donald Trump, although I can't prove this.

The funniest thing about it all, though, was that Mr DawnAgain was in such a deep sleep he missed it all. Nice to know I can rely on him to come to the rescue in an emergency.

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