It was a cold and foggy drive in to work this morning and it didn't lift until break time. By that time my year group had been hugely impressive coming into an assembly to commemorate Armistice Day in a suitably calm manner - not always their approach it has to be said. They sat and listened carefully to the story of an individual soldier just three years older than them and I hope the two minute silence two hours later was a bit more meaningful this year as a result. One thing followed the next after that and focus was hard fought this afternoon not only in two Y10 lessons but in the after school detention.
Home to Bailey via the supermarket and after a quick spurt of energy and his tea, he retired to the spare bed fairly early. He's obviously had a long week too. This was Bailey's look after his first walk this morning. He's off to the groomers first thing tomorrow morning so will be infinitely tidier after that.
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