11th day of the 11th month

The day to remember all the people who lost their lives, their health, their sanity or people they loved through war. And also to remember those who fought and survived.

As a boy I remember always watching the Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall. My dad fought in the Second War and Mum of course was of the generation who experienced that war, so the memories were real and important to them. Watching was not without humour though as they would both watch avidly pointing out those who were out of step with the music and their comrades.

Dad was is the Royal Artillery from 1942 to 1945 on the Bofors Anti Aircraft guns where he was a gun layer. He served in Palestine (at Christmas) and in Egypt. He would have been been part of the first day of the D Day landings but was injured and went over a few days later eventually catching up with his unit somewhere in France.

His father was, apparently, in the Kings Shropshire Light Infantry on the Western Front in the Great War and according to one of his contemporaries was gassed and sent home. I can't verify the story - we learned about this on the day of his funeral and it seems that his army record was one of those destroyed in a fire caused by a bomb in the Second War. I have a photo of him from the Second War serving in the Home Guard in Shropshire.

Dad was a loyal member of the Royal British Legion. He carried the Standard at all the local parades and together with Mum sold poppies each November, walking the local streets knocking at doors and always being made welcome. That's why today's blip is of a poppy seller.

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