Almost a Monet

A late Blip again for me as I had COL (cat on lap) all evening last night. I badly needed a long walk yesterday and headed off to the Waterman  Center which has a lot of nice woodsy trails. I was hoping for birds , but alas! none were to be found. A few chickadees were heard ,keeping 
to themselves  in the trees. It was a cold , windy , classic November day, so it is a good thing the local Veteran's Day parade is today which promises to be bright and sunny if a bit cold.
The floor of the woods were covered everywhere with oak leaves and in places the stream was covered well giving it an abstract painting or perhaps more impressionist look. A good day for a nice walk with time for reflections.
The extra is the morning check out the feeder routine.
PS : EBIRD Feeder Watch starts this weekend for those birders out there- get your binoculars and submit your counts !

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