Taking It All In

I felt very disconnected today. I couldn't engage my head at all. I've possibly been doing too much reading and thinking around the portentous political events of this last few days, trying to take it all in. It's been hard not to. I've wanted to better understand how this happened. 

But it's done my head in. I find the best way to turn my head off is to play around with processing photographs. That enables me to forget about the world for a while. The trouble is that when I turn back to the internet and read the latest bit of journalism I still find myself being shocked by what has happened. Part of me keeps writing it off as just a bad dream! I still can't completely shake that sense of unreality. I can't even begin to imagine what my friends and family in the States must be feeling like right now. 

So many of my photographs are taken from within a very small radius of home, but I rarely give much of a context to that. I look from here straight down into the living room window of my small flat, in the very nearest house that you can see, half obscured by a huge copper beech tree. Perhaps it's easy to understand now why I refer to this as my garden! I like to think that I never take this very great privilege for granted.

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