A day in the life

By Shelling

Saturday, sun-day.

Today was a beautifully sunny winters day in Smedby, Småland. I know my friends up north would call this a spring day by the mediterranean but I will call it by its name down here, a winters day. Hardly any wind, no degrees at all.  On with a pair of good boots and I was off for an eight km walk. 
I really do admire the hard working Småland farmers who made and still makes the amazing stone fences you'll find all over around here. They really had to work hard long before they even get the plough in the ground. Some of the fences are real work of art while others look more like piles of rock in a field.The round, soft landscape around here. doesn't offer much drama, just functional farmland with lots of historic sites telling us people have lived and worked here a long, long time. 

The rest of the afternoon was spent making lovely applesauce from the good apple harvest this year.

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