All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Down but not out

2nd horrendous nights sleep in a row as Ethan hasn't been well. Up at 2am with him both times and although he got back to sleep, I didn't.

I already had my name down to volunteer at parkrun today which being so tired wasn't ideal, but along I went. Ethan decided at the last minute he didn't want to miss it either so dosed up on nurofen and wrapped up warm, he came too.

He was exhausted after an hour in the cold handing out finish tokens, so went back to bed when we got home

He initially accepted he wasn't well enough to go to the fireworks display at the cricket club. But again at the last minute he begged to go. We went with Eden and Mr Foreveryoung although we didn't stay for the whole thing as Ethan was flagging.

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