The sky at night

Went to bed at 5am. (mainly because I fell asleep on the sofa) Slept till 1pm.  So that was half the day over before I started.  Had no energy so I just had a quiet few hours doing nothing much.  Around 4pm I stirred myself to walk down to Tesco in the village.  They didn't have some of the things I wanted - no strawberries, raspberries, prepared melon or salmon.  I got what they did have - tomatoes and tissues and walked home the long way via the Co-op who had plenty of fruit to choose from - and some lovely salmon reduced in price.

I took my blip shot on the way home. It isn't a very good shot so I played about with it in Picasa to make it a bit of an abstract.

It rained heavily all through the night but today was dry and a bit warmer than it has been lately.  Neil played rugby this afternoon.  Apparently it was a mud bath. He hurt his ankle so had to come off with 15 mins to go.  And his team lost.

My next door neighbour is collecting bags filled with toiletries to give to people in hostels for Christmas.  She had a stall at a  Christmas Fayre in a local school this afternoon and she showed me how much had been donated by local people. She was amazed at the generosity of those who had taken the trouble to donate. Bags and bags of stuff. She is doing another Christmas Fayre in a local church next month and I hope she gets another good response.  I have been buying the odd extra item when I have been doing my normal shopping and will just pop next door with it all when I have got enough.

Steps today - 8,432

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