
By Orc2009

Young arctic tern

The birds are starting to migrate and I thought I'd head out to Deerness to see what I clould find. The little garden at Grindigar quarry can hold some surprises- but not today- not so much as a starling. I wlaked on down to the shore and the Barns of Ayre. At sea there were lots of gannets and the juveniles especially were being bullied by the bonxies to give up their lunch. I sat out of the wind and saw a ginger coloured feral cat pass nearby. It looked lithe, even skinny, and not at all pampered like a straying house cat. Even though I was nearby it just didn't see me, even though I saw it stiffen as it caught a whiff of my scent (no, I don't mean I was wearing perfume). It made me think of how some predators' eyes pick out movement much more easily that shapes- hence animals freezing if a predator happens along. I walked along the shore of Newark Bay as the rain hammered down. What a grey summer it has been. I changed the image I posted form a wall to this young tern. Every new tern is a welcome sight.

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