Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


London was all those things today. Think on it: a hot summer''s day the weekend after the Olympic high with the crowds who stayed away pouring into a sun drenched capital still awash with colour. It was bound to be feelgood time.

We were on a mission (or two). First was the new London Film Museum, an odd but very enjoyable experience with an entrance on both Covent Garden and Wellington Street. Some very clever selections of material - well curated although poorly lit in places. Oh and free admission. Check it out.

Then The Royal Opera House where we spontaneously bought tickets for La Boheme next March. Fantastic. Can't wait. After drinks and snacks in a much improved Neals Yard area (beautiful colours where they have painted the courtyard areas and alleys) we moved on to our next stop: Gerry's Wine's and Spirits in Soho, an unbelievable shop where budding cocktail makers (that's us) can buy anything they need for a shaker maker experience. In our case a bottle of lychee liqueur and a bottle of elderflower liqueur, as we set out to recreate some of the drinks we had on our recent visit to America.

Lastly supper in Le Pain Quotidien by the Royal Festival Hall. Rather lovely grub although the cheesecake lacked verve (darlings).

Came home on a packed train where a pissed  17 year old was telling the world ("babes") about her AS results ("oh my god I'm so happy") and chatting up a bloke ("everyone loves a girl who doesn't stop talking, don't they?") and trying to persuade him to go clubbing with her ("in Guildford, know what I mean?"). The curve went from amusement through cringing disbelief to annoyance and eventual relief in the space of twenty minutes. Glad it wasn't a longer ride.

The blip comes from a South Bank installation. TSM and I did what it said on the tin, but then we had had a lovely day of holding hands already so the instruction was easy to follow.

Only downside today was that Aged P rang several times, starting at 5am, and was not happy. I felt so sorry for her. Dementia is a bummer. Complete and utter. But am going up to see her tomorrow so maybe she will enjoy a trip out.

And tomorrow night we will be mostly drinking cocktails ...

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