
By Fido

Up with the larks to make porridge and cook pasta and fill water bottles and send my eldest two off for a day of competing. It was the first swim meet for my fish like middle boy so quite exciting. My lovely husband did the early morning drive and the day spent hanging around a roasting hot swimming pool, squashed in the entrance tunnel trying to see over people's heads and watch the boys race. Fortunately for him he is taller than most.

Once I had packed them off I snuck back up to my bedroom where the littlest was snuffling in his sleep on the mattress on the floor (he had had a bad night of it, full of the cold), and managed a whole 20 minutes of extra sleep before he woke up and the day started proper.

The rest of the day was fairly low key, given the littlest's lethargic state. We managed a wander along the road into town and back along the railway path and the creation of a pretty cool hot wheels set up but also lit the fire, read some books, had a piece of dry toast for tea (him not me) before I packed him off for a bath and bed almost two hours before normal bedtime routines start.

With the littlest asleep and the others still out, I managed to sort out the eldest's room - rearranging furniture - again-- and tidy up a bit before the athletes returned.

Several PB's under the belt and a celebratory ice cream from Portsoy on the way home meant the boys were in fairly cheery moods - albeit tired- on their return.

I had time just to congratulate them and hear a little of their stories before dashing out to meet my friend Snuz for a trip to the theatre in our local town hall (and what an incredible performance of Godspell by the Buzz theatre group it was) followed by a couple of gins and a conversation which included amongst other things, the topics of rememberance day, modern war, American politics and the life of Alexander Hamilton.

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