The wild goose chase

Awake early this morning so we decided to try to beat the forecast rain by heading up to Montrose at first light. Thousands upon thousands of pink footed geese fly from Greenland and Iceland to the Montrose Basin in the autumn, fatten themselves up after the long flight before setting off to overwinter at Morecambe Bay or The Wash. I've wanted to see these geese for ages and felt that today was my chance. However, it seems that the said thousands of geese clear off to feed in the fertile Angus countryside during the day and are only at the Basin at dawn and dusk. So - a damp and muddy walk round the Basin but no geese. Lots of other birdlife though. The light was very flat as you can see. The town of Montrose is at the far edge of the tidal Basin. As predicted the rain started about 2:30pm so it was a pretty wet drive home. Moral of the story - do your research properly next time!

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