shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Mum - medication

The big task for the day was taking all of Mum's medical stuff back to the doctor. It makes me so angry that so much stuff has to be chucked, that it can't just be given to another patient. Boxes of kit for her insulin pump, pills, insulin, all will be destroyed. It's shameful when you think of the many places where those things would be so much appreciated. I remember a friend in Russia whose father died when they had just started a course of expensive heart medication, which the family had had to buy, it was not provided under their system. They gave the pills to the doctor and asked him to pass them on to someone who needed them. The doctor cried and said he'd never had anyone do that, usually they would have sold them on. With our national health system we are spoiled in so many ways, but these rules break my heart. What a waste of money and resources. These cats hang on the wall in the surgery waiting room, and have done for at least 20 years, I know these artists from when they were wee ones in primary. Now they have their own kids the same age!

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