The Path Lined by Poppies

First of all let me tell you that we have experienced a huge earthquake here in New Zealand.  Thankfully I slept through it all, although some people in Wanaka felt it.  My daughter in Wellington spent a wakeful night, and was pleased that there was no work for her today.  Apparently Wellington is a Ghost Town!  Kaikoura bore the brunt of the quake, and there is news coming through of the damage done there and other small towns along the East Coast of the South Island.  No wonder we are called 'The Shaky Isles'!

Life in Wanaka carried on as usual, with 23 people turning up for today's walk.  We started at Shortcut Road, and walked down the Clutha River to the Luggate Boulders.  This photo is of the beautiful Californian Poppies that were flowering along the track.  Had a refreshing drink at a local Pub,  before heading for home,  Rain is in the immediate forecast.

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