
My sister called me yesterday to tell me she had saved a life. 

Not unusual given she is an ICU Nurse and had recently Qualified in Advanced Life Support. But the life she saved was that of my (step) mum who chocked yesterday. She actually properly chocked on a carrot whilst at an 80th Birthday Party in a posh hotel. What my mum does for attention!! Honestly. 

Joking aside, my sister said she actually thought mum was going to die but did everything she was supposed to do and managed to dislodge the carrot before the Ambulance arrived. My poor sister was also terrified and thought she was actually loosing her mother. But disaster averted and Vodca with Robinsons saved the day - for my sister.

Its still a very strange concept that life is just so fragile and chocking was the last thing on my mind as a cause of death of a loved one. But scarily real. I owe my own life to my sister who diagnosed my pneumonia 3 years ago. If she hadn't have told me to go to the hospital when I did, I may not be here to tell this tale. 

Oh Lord I am so dramatic!

Anyway, today I was cancelled for my afternoon contact so Mr W and I went to the cinema - twice! After the week we have had I thought it was time to relax. We saw 'Trolls' - a very funny and imaginative film - for kids! ....and a Street Cat Named Bob. A very thought provoking, feel good, low budget but clever film. I do love a true story.

So here you have a Crazy Love Heart because thats how life feels just now and a bottle of Glitter Nail varnish because it took me FOR EVER to take it off today and ended up having to peel it off my nails and because my favourite troll was made of Glitter!

And just a quick note to say - Make sure you chew your carrots properly!!!

Love you Mummy.


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