So glad I waited!

Monday 14th November 2016     (backblip)

I had hoped to be lucky enough to see the Super Moon ...... so I didn't post my blip yesterday ........ I got really lucky ...... so many of you never got the chance to see it!

I was just about to start stir-frying some vegetables ..... glanced out of the window ....... & there it was ...... a little misty but actually in view!

Stop everything ....... grab camera & tripod ...... out the back door ........ still there ...... got a couple of shots ..... about 5 minutes later it had disappeared behind a bank of cloud again! Really chuffed I noticed it ..... do hope you like it :-)

In less happy news ...... I heard today that my friend, who is diabetic, has got to have her leg amputated above the knee in 2 weeks. She seems to be okay about it ..... but I'm not sure that the implications have sunk in yet. She is in a lot of pain from it so hopefully it will help.

Thanks so much for dropping by :-)

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