Long time Peace Buddies....
Mother and Son...older photo from the 1980's....I tried to instill ...as a family I should say...the value of working for Peace for all peoples in our son. We had a sign in our window for a long time that said ANOTHER FAMILY FOR PEACE. My son helped me on a campaign to Boycott War Toys back then, we tried to minimize watching violent movies and any playing then of violent video games., tried to involve him in family activities that joined with others working for peace....when he had to register for the draft at 18 he wrote on the form that he was a consciencious objector to war....it's something I'd learned to tell young people to do from my draft counseling days. Now he and his wife are raising their two children amidst all this turmoil and in a violent world and nation...I know they will instill peaceful values into their children...my heart goes out to them and all the families struggling to make sense of what is going on today ....hate crimes on the rise in our nations just in the days since the election results.statistics on hate crimes rising here
With the recent appointment of Bannon by Trump as his closest advisor I am very very appalled and frightened by "Trump’s decision on Sunday to appoint Steve Bannon, a man celebrated by the white nationalist movement, to serve as his chief strategist and senior adviser."
To my blip friends who ask me to wait and see and give Trump a chance I can only say this...I know you want to be optomistic and to believe he will be ok...but I cannot sit idly by and wait until it's too late for my voice to matter....the time is NOWto speak out my friends...Mr. Trump has shown his true colors over and over to us all...and now by surrounding himself with a man supported by white nationalists we MUST , as good people, say NOT IN OUR NATION. We must NOT let this man and his cronies who want to rule with hate to carry us down a slippery slope of fascism. NEVER AGAIN we vowed post WWII...so we must put those words into actions now people of good hearts. Speak out and do not let history repeat itself in hateful ways...we still have time....but it is running out. Yes...I do feel extremely impassioned about this and do not apologize.
if interested in one action to take go here
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