Breakfast, as the rain pours down.

After days of lovely weather it turned. Temperatures went up to 5°C and the rain poured out of the sky. The snow started to slide of roofs and melt everywhere. The roads were deep in heavy slush.  All-in-all very uninspiring as far as taking pictures went.
We even gave our daily walk a miss which was a bit weak of us. Tomorrow I'll be stronger!!
So today's blip was taken at breakfast. Orange juice and home-made kefir. The kefir has been culturing since breakfast yesterday. The kefir grains were removed and added to a new lot of milk, for breakfast tomorrow.  We add a banana and a lot of bilberries (picked at the end of summer) to the already fermented kefir and it is then whizzed in a blender, and poured into a glass. Deliciously tart so if you like sweetness add a little honey! The exact make up depends on how we feel and who makes it. The colour is nearly always spectacular! (Thanks for the grains and the inspiration Mike.)
And that was today's photo!

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