Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Greyfriar's Kirkyard headstone

My partner is off to her third craft fair in as many weeks. I spend the morning doing the normal Saturday morning chores, sweep up all leaves in the back yard and clean the road bike.

I pop down to the craft fair, which is at Greyfriar's Kirk to give some moral support, and to man the stall for those occasions where you have to leave for a couple of minutes. There is the additional attraction of some wonderful cakes for sale at the craft fair café.

I pop out for a few minutes before the cake, sorry, coffee break. The kirkyard, as always, is full of tourists. This elaborately carved caught my eye. Unfortunately, I pop out just as a big cloud passes over, so not much light.

The good point is that the craft fair is quite busy. Obviously some people have started their Christmas shopping.

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