On the move....

Spent the morning hauling 135 blackface ewe lambs down the road for the winter. They go onto better grass to help them grow so that they will be big enough to breed next year .
Also had to go round all the fields while down there to unlock the gates so Wee Eck could get in to give the hedges their annual trim. We are now not allowed to cut hedges until September and it means that all the fields going into winter barley take priority as they need done before we plough, so all the grass fields need to wait.
An afternoon vaccinating heifers next door, then had to help wee brother calve a cow with a muckle big dead calf. It got stuck at the hips and the cow went down in the cattle crush. Got her calved , but she then pushed out her calf bed . This is when they prolapse , like turning a huge, bloody, sock inside out. It took the vet nearly 2 hours of struggling to get it all back in place. Filled her full of expensive drugs, but there is still a fair chance she could be dead in the morning. Will see what happens.

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