Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


Noticed that the Ilkley Christmas Tree went up this afternoon, I got an early present today, a few months ago my iMac started playing up, to cut a long story short it seems the graphics card had failed, had it checked out and was trying to sort out the finances to replace it, this morning, one of my old fellow gave me his old mac for nothing, its about the same age as mine but all he ever used it for is checking his stocks & shares and the odd email so its in very nice nick, the only problem I found was that he hadn't ever updated the operating system but as luck would have it I'v been running my old one on an external SSD drive for the past year so just by plugging it in I'm back up and running all for the shake of a hand!
I will of course get my benefactor something nice for christmas, after all he could have sold his machine on Ebay an made £200 odd quid.

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