Another Beautiful Day

By drewzealand

Depression 2012

Another lovely day in Wellington,this time we had the pleasure of Julie with us. So off we went to coffee shops ,art galleries and of course looking in shops without barricades around them or container pop-up's. A novelty indeed.
Near the end of this adventure we decided to go see the World Press 2012 Photographic exhibition down on Queens wharf. OMG....whilst the photography was amazing - the story line of 99% of them was doom gloom and total dispair ! There were pictures of Gaddafi partially naked with bullet holes on a bloodied mattress -the shootings in Scandnavia -the issues in Bosnia -the worst one was in Acapulco - a head and arm lying in the middle of the street warning people to beware of the drug cartels - incrediable imagery - sobbering - but where is the happiness in the world press photographers, there must be 'happy occasions' surely - makes my doom and gloom of the world seem not so bad.
Another coffee and much discussion and then we moved on.

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