Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Under canvas

Well an eventful day.

An interview for a Lecturer position. That still makes me laugh. Me being considered for the interview. Ha ha. I did a good interview but I think it depends on the competition.

Then we went to celebrate my brother in laws 49 birthday. Lovely night with all this extended family.

Then me and DD slept in the tent. It's been around 25 years since I last slept under canvas as a primary school pupil.

We went to Bewdley and at the bottom of the field was a train track. We used to go down and put our pennies and two pences on it when a train was coming. Can you imagine that nowadays.

Anyway last night we were in the garden. It was great. It was warm, snuggly and we had midnight biscuits and a new book each on our kindles.

DH is coming round to the idea of camping......

We woke at 5am to rain and then at half seven ds1 came and woke us up and stole the iPad off us.

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