I Thought It Looked Like Ice...

At least I thought it looked like ice...
At my last visit, Dad gave me this Murano glass horse's head that my Mum bought when we visited Venice when I was about 8 years old. At the time my Dad was working intermittently in what was Yugoslavia and for one summer Dad decided that as my brothers were off doing their own thing that he, Mum and I would drive from London to Ljubljana for our annual holiday. We had to borrow my Aunt's electric blue Hilman Imp as Dad's Triumph Herald was not reliable enough for the 3 day journey.

On the way we stopped at various places, Venice being one of them. I remember quite a lot about the trip in general but not the part where according to my parents, I was taken into St Mark's Basilica and had the screaming abdabs in a very Exorcist/Omen-esque kind of way and had to be rushed back out amid fears that I would literally scream the place down..I stopped the minute we got back outside and refused to go back inside the "scary building"...I have never been back!

I have once more got behind on blipping, but will hopefully catch up again this week....

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