not a Daily Blipper

By suzy


Well the day is sunny and warm washing done and on the line.

No challenge to day as it is my 730 i can not believe i have got here it would of been soon but i have missed a few now and then. I have really enjoyed doing it made some friends who I look forward to reading every day and missing them when they do not put one on.

Would like again to say a big thank you to you all and hope you keep going as well. I don,t think i will stop i will just keep going and going.

Molly, Keith and Mr Polly are all ways on hand if i do not have anything to blip that is why i like to do the challenge's as it gets me thinking and helps with my photo taking as i take things i would not even think of taking.

I do enjoy reading all my comments i only hit the spotlight when i hit a blip mile stone but that dose not bother me as i enjoy taking pictures.

Thank you once again Keep Bliping

Love suzy xxxx

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