
We've made a decision that Katie is going to not go swimming until after the panto. She was quite happy with it when she was sleepy and tired this morning, I suspected she would be less happy when it came to it (I was right) so I left work a few minutes early to go collect her trophies which had been finished at the engravers. It did the trick. 

She had a school trip to the Buddhist Temple today. She said "it was ok but that they told them so many things her head got a bit confused with it all". There seems to have been quite a bit of puking at school today (not by her). I am hoping we avoid whatever sick bug is going round. Absolutely not enough time for that! 

I had to take the car to work to drop some stuff at the office so I picked her up in the car. We got home and both put jammies and a movie on as she ate her tea. She's going to do a bit of music but otherwise the plan is to get her in bed EARLY. 

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