What a difference a year makes No 3

This should have been posted yesterday, but I wasn’t outside to take it.
Its hard to believe all the changes that have occurred. The potting shed is a gem and I love it. I’ve spent many hours in there taking cuttings, potting up and generally sorting out. I’ve learned so much.
The kennel for the girls is tucked behind the fuchsia, which survived the chop last autumn to give the lads space to work. The girls have grown accustomed to kennel, not that the spend a great deal of time in it. On hot days when they are staying with us and we have to go out, they are more than happy to be out there where it’s cooler.
The lads have been back to lay paving stones from the patio to the edge of the base.
I experimented with planting lavender along the edge of the shed. The soil under the gravel is compressed, so I just added soil round the plants to allow the roots to expand and it has worked so far. I had a good crop of flowers.
I’m feeling a bit better today. B helped me plant the rose bushes into the pots in the front garden, before the rain started.

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