Unexpected Pleasures

So - the point of visiting Falkirk was to see the Falkirk Wheel and The Kelpies. Managed to see The Kelpies all lit up last night, but it turns out that the wheel is closed to boats for maintenance. "Ah well", I thought, "I can have a quick look anyway, even though it won't be working, and then head over to Glasgow and stop by the Burrell Collection." Guess what ...... that's shut for renovation works!!!! Anyhow, I set off with a view to having a look at the Wheel but spotted a brown tourist sign for Callander House. My spirit of adventure (or slight madness - whichever you prefer) was up and running and so I followed the signs. Best thing I did all day! The house is surrounded by a park, including a section of the Roman Antonine Wall, with a lake and Callander Wood behind. The light through the trees in the wood was just stunning and the golden larch, beech and oak trees looked magnificent against a background of dark Pines.Once in the house, there is an awesome tea room, selling home baked goodies (the best custard creams EVER!!!), permanent exhibitions about the history of the house and the surrounding area AND an exhibition of the International Garden POTY!!
I think I've died and gone to heaven!

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