High Tide at The Ferry

Met up with friend L. in Broughty Ferry today for lunch and a natter  We had vaguely thought about a shore walk, but the icy wind and rain quickly changed our minds and the lunch extended to 2 hours instead!  

Exciting news for her as they are moving house to Dunkeld in the New Year, so lots of plans and even more packing to be sorted out.

Walking back to the car parked by the Castle, I took this quick snap of the waves crashing over the promenade and felt sorry for the drivers of the parked cars which were getting soaked.  However, when I got to my car, it was also getting soaked by the wind-blown waves and will need a wash down to remove the salt:-)

Sleet in the rain on the drive home, so it's going to be a cold night tonight.  Winter has really arrived now!

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