what we did today...

By SarnieV

Tiger who came for breakfast

This cheeky one was chattering away at breakfast - facts about animals mostly. By bedtime we were reading animal fact books. When I tried to read about kangaroos he told me they were boring stupid marsupials who just jump about all over the place. Apparently Komodo Dragons are much less stupid.
C is learning about the body at school and doing the pre-lim sex ed lessons at school. I asked him what he'd been learning about and he said he'd learnt about puberty for boys and girls - I was corrected when I called 'breasts' 'boobs', and I hadn't a clue what the scientific name for the womb is. I really must clue up on all bits of my body scientifically! When asked what he wasn't looking forward to, he said wearing deodorant as that sounded annoying.

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